The British Isles
The British Isles are a group of islands. They include Great Britain and Ireland and all the smaller islands around them. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the West of the British Isles, while to the east there's the North Sea. The English Channel separates Britain from the European Continent.
The United Kingdom (UK for short) consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Ulster). Great Britain is then divided into three countries: England in the South, Wales in the West and Scotland in the North. The national flag of the UK is the Union Jack.
The head of the state is the British Monarch (Queen Elizabeth at the present). Its capital is London. Other important cities are Cardiff, the capital of Wales, Edinburgh (the capital) and Glasgow in Scotland and Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland.
Ireland is divided into two countries: the Republic of Ireland (EIRE) and Northern Ireland. EIRE is a completely independent country, it occupies most of the island and its capital is Dublin. The head of the state is a President.
The weather is very changeable, but it is rarely very cold or very hot.
La Resistenza
MariaPaola Colombo - classe III A - esame di licenza media - anno scolastico 2006/2007
introduzione | storia: la seconda guerra mondiale | gli antefatti | dal 1939 al 1940 | dal 1941 al 1943 | dall'8/9/43 al 25/4/45 | la fine della guerra | i racconti dei nonni: | prima della guerra | l'8 settembre | il ritorno a casa | l'arresto e la fuga | il carro armato tedesco | il dopoguerra | i ricordi della nonna Grazia | i ricordi della nonna Regina | Italiano: la Shoah: | Anna Frank | Scarpette rosse | Geografia: la Francia: | posizione | territorio | clima | economia | cittą | lingua, moneta, religione | curiositą | forma di governo | lingua francese: | un sac de billes | l'homme qui te ressemble | musica: | La marseillaise | Bella Ciao! | La guerra di Piero| lingua inglese: | British Isles | American Symbols | New York | educazione artistica: | Picasso | Guernica | il ritratto di Dora Maar | educazione fisica: | Jesse Owens | scienze: | l'atomo | la bomba atomica | bibliografia | considerazioni conclusive|